To list the packages installed on a Ubuntu server or desktop, you use dpkg, which is the equivalent of RPM on a...
Restarting the network service on Ubuntu is similar to Red Hat or CentOS. To do so from the command line, you can...
To run graphical mode on your Ubuntu server or desktop, you can run the following command: startx or init 5 This will...
Using awk you can specify which lines you print. If you wanted to print lines 1-10, you could do this: awk ‘NR
Using the awk command, you can do many useful things, one of which is printing only what you want. If for example,...
Using MySQL in vi mode is very useful as you can easily search for, modify, and run previous commands quickly. Enabling it...
svn (Subversion) is an excellent version control tool that’s used worldwide to track changes made to files. Rather than granting all users...
To undo a change in vi or vim quickly, you can use the undo command (the “u” key) when you are in...
To install Office 2000 with Terminal Services you can perform the following: 1. Download and install the Office Resource Kit. 2. At...
This handy one-liner will display all grants for all users on your MySQL database: mysql –batch –skip-column-names -e “SELECT user, host FROM...