There are a few different ways to determine which version of VMWare you’re running. VMware Infrastructure Client: From the VIC there are...
wget is a great tool for downloading resources from the Internet. For basic usage, the syntax is is wget wget
Reviewing Headers If you need to review web server headers, you can use the wget command. wget -S or if you...
Creating Groups Creating groups can be a useful feature so you can grant specific users access to certain files. Let’s say that...
There are a few different ways to convert uppercase letters to lowercase. One way is using the tr command. The example below...
How do I determine how large each tape is in NetBackup? Determining how much data is on each tape is a useful...
How do I determine how many file descriptors are being used on my Linux server? # cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr 3391 969 52427 |...
On Unix/Linux systems, there is a limit set in the kernel on how many open file descriptors are allowed on the system....
To print the line containing a pattern and 2 lines before it, you can use this grep command: grep -B2 “^Drive” /path/to/my/file...
Have you ever wanted to create a list of the installed RPMs in a format that you can re-use? The RPM command...