You can eject multiple tapes from the command line in NetBackup using the vmchange command. Below is an example of how you...
In IIS7 for Windows 2008, you can set up application pools so you can isolate different websites, for example, so that they’re...
To safely and securely erase your hard drive contents, you can use the shred command. Boot up your system using a Knoppix...
Account lockouts in Solaris 10 can be configured per user in the /etc/user_attr file. Each user listed in the /etc/user_attr file can...
The following shortcuts can be used in the phone application on your BlackBerry or during a phone call: * To answer a...
There are a lot of shortcut keys for your BlackBerry phone. These all work for your browser: * To insert a period...
Some keyboard shortcuts for BlackBerry smartphones include: * C – Compose Message * ALT+U – Mark Message As Opened/Unopened * ALT+I –...
MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), and all...
Setting up a redirect for your domain through Internet Information Services (IIS) can quickly accomplished in a few simple steps. 1. Navigate...
Below are some useful RPM commands: Syntax Description rpm -ivh {rpm-file} Install the package rpm -Uvh {rpm-file} Upgrade package rpm -ev {package}...