To kill a process in MySQL, you can login to the database and do the following: show processlist; or show processlist\G; Find...
To list the contents of a tape, you can use the bpmedialist command. bpmedialist -U -mcontents -m The output will look like...
To create a file with dd,m you can use the syntax below: dd if=/dev/zero of=my_1GB_file bs=1m count=1024 The command above will create...
To list the retention levels in NetBackup, you can use the bpretlevel command. /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpretlevel -U The output looks like the example below:...
There are several plugins available for FireFox that allow you to monitor instances of Nagios and notify you using colors and sounds...
The LORI plugin for FireFox will add a status bar at the bottom right corner of Firefox and will display: * TTFB:...
The prstat command is used on Solaris systems to monitor processes. # prstat [ -acJLmRtTv ] [ -C psrsetlist ] [ -j...
To only allow specific users to ssh to our server, you can add the following line to your sshd_config file: AllowUsers usera...
To prevent users from ssh’ing to your server, you can use the sshd_config file to restrict access. One approach is to deny...
All vi commands are entered in command mode. To enter command mode, press the ESC key. Some vi commands cause vi to...