From the command line (, you can run the following command: /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep Memory: The resulting output will look like...
Accessing the hidden & unsupported ESXi console so it can be accessed remotely is pretty easy to do, but there’s no easy...
To find out what package a file belongs to, you can use the rpm command. To do so, just run rpm -qf...
Sometimes communication errors occur and cups stops. To prevent this from happening, you can adjust the ErrorPolicy to use an alternate behavior....
When the cups server is in a stopped state with the StateMessage /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd failed, you can review the file /var/log/cups/error_log. . What...
If you’re looking to find a particular column name on your MySQL server, you can use a query like the following: select...
Using rsync to keep a local copy or migrate data is very useful because it picks up where it left off if...
The following script can be used to create a mysqldump by schema name: #!/bin/bash TODAY=$(date +%m”-“%d”-“%Y) HOSTNAME=$(hostname -s) for db in $(echo...
1. Install MySQL (mysql-server) on the master and slave servers if it’s not already installed. You can do so using ‘yum install...
To find active queries in your Oracle database, you can use the following command: SELECT SID, Serial#, UserName, Status, SchemaName, Logon_Time FROM...