Setting up a ftp script can be very useful, especially if you have a repetitive task that happens on a regular basis....
To set the execute bit to on (i.e. make a script/file executable), you can use the command below: svn propset svn:executable ON...
To check out an old version of code from your svn repository, you can use the svn checkout command. An example is...
To print yesterday’s date, you can use the date command like this: date –date=”1 days ago” or date –date=”yesterday”
To list all of the perl modules installed, you can run the command below: perl -MFile::Find=find -MFile::Spec::Functions -Tlwe ‘find { wanted =>...
To install a specific module using CPAN, you can use the following command: perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Module’ For example: perl -MCPAN...
To print the last field in a file called testfile, you would use the awk command like this: awk ‘{print $NF}’ testfile...
To exclude columns from being printed, you can use one of the following approaches: awk ‘{$1 =””; print }’ file which nulls...