If you have a Facebook Page that you need to transfer ownership of to someone else, you can use the following procedure to do so:
1. Login to Facebook with the account that currently hosts the page.
2. Go to the page manager page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/manage/).
3. Click “Edit Page” beneath the page that you want to transfer ownership on.
4. Click on the “Manage Admins” link on the left.
5. Choose a new person to be the admin (and the new owner) or type in the email address of another Facebook account if the person is not your Facebook friend.
6. Click “Save Changes”.
7. Click the “View Page” button (top right).
8. Look in the left side where all the people are that “like” the page. You know, the spot with all the profile pics. Click the “See All” link.
9. Next to your profile pic, choose “Remove” to remove yourself as admin. You then relinquish admin rights to the admin created in the previous step.