Below is a list of NetBackup status codes 0 through 500. To find out more information regarding any of these status codes, refer to the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide or you can run bperror -S -r.
Status Code 0
the requested operation was successfully completed
No problems were detected with the requested operation.
Status Code 1
the requested operation was partially successful
A problem was detected that may require corrective action during the requested operation.
Status Code 2
none of the requested files were backed up
A backup or archive did not back up any of the files in the file list.This status code applies primarily to automatic backups using Lotus Notes or SQL database agents, when all of the backups related to the job have failed. It should not occur for standard file system backups.Open a NetBackup support case (recommended in Symantec document 276903.pdf) if you encounter this error for the following: a UNIX or Windows file system backup, or for database agents other than SQL Server or Lotus Notes.
Status Code 3
valid archive image produced, but no files deleted due to non-fatal problems
The backup portion of the archive command reported problems so the files were not deleted.
Status Code 4
archive file removal failed
The backup portion of the archive completed was successful but the delete failed.
Status Code 5
the restore failed to recover the requested files
Errors caused the restore to fail.
Status Code 6
the backup failed to back up the requested files
Errors caused the user backup to fail.
Status Code 7
the archive failed to back up the requested files
Errors caused the user archive to fail.
Status Code 8
unable to determine the status of rbak
On DomainOS clients, rbak is used to do restores. If rbak does not exit with a status message, NetBackup cannot determine whether the restore worked or not.
Status Code 9
an extension package is needed, but was not installed
A NetBackup extension product is required to perform the requested operation.
Status Code 10
allocation failed
The system memory allocation fails because of insufficient system memory available. A possible cause is that the system is overloaded with too many processes and not enough physical or virtual memory.
Status Code 11
system call failed
A system call has failed. This status code is used for a generic system call failure that does not have its own status code.
Status Code 12
file open failed
An open of a file failed.
Status Code 13
file read failed
A read of a file or socket failed. Possible causes include:
* An I/O error occurred during a read from the file system.
* Read of an incomplete file or a corrupt file.
* Socket read failure. A network problem or a problem with the process that writes to the socket can cause socket read failure.
* A problem specific to NetBackup Snapshot Client (see recommended actions).
Status Code 14
file write failed
A write to a file or socket failed. Possible causes include:
* An I/O error occurred during a write to the file system.
* Write to a socket failed. Cause of this failure: a network problem or a problem with the process that reads from the socket.
* Writing to a full disk partition.
Status Code 15
file close failed
A close of a file or socket failed.
Status Code 16
unimplemented feature
The specified operation is not implemented. This error should not occur through normal use of NetBackup.
Status Code 17
pipe open failed
Occurs in NetBackup client menu and Vault areas.
Status Code 18
pipe close failed
A pipe close failed when one process tries to start a child process.
Status Code 19
getservbyname failed
A call to getservbyname() failed. The getservbyname()function uses the name of the service to find a service entry in the services file. (Or NIS services map on UNIX if it is configured.)
Status Code 20
invalid command parameter
One or more command parameters were not valid. This error can occur when incompatible levels of NetBackup are installed on a master and its media server(s) or client(s). For example, a NetBackup master server has NetBackup 6.5 and the media server or the client has NetBackup 4.5. This error can also occur if the wrong parameters are used when you run a command line.
Status Code 21
socket open failed
A socket was not opened.
Status Code 22
socket close failed
A socket was not closed.
Status Code 23
socket read failed
A read operation from a socket failed.
Status Code 24
socket write failed
A write operation to a socket failed.
Status Code 25
cannot connect on socket
A process that timed out while connecting to another process for a particular operation. This problem can occur in the following situation: when a process tries to connect to the NetBackup request daemon (bprd) or database manager daemon (bpdbm) and the daemon is not running. (On Windows, these daemons are the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services.) It can also occur in the following situations: the network or server is heavily loaded and has slow response time or an evaluation license key for NetBackup expired. However, the most common cause of this error is a host name resolution problem. Other possible causes of this error:
* nbjm is unable to connect to bpcd on the media server
* nbpem is unable to connect to nbproxy
* bptm on the media server is unable to connect to nbjm on the master server.These errors are caused either by network connectivity issues or if a required process such as pbx_exchange is not running.
Status Code 26
client/server handshaking failed
A process on the server encountered an error when it communicated with the client. This error indicates that the client and server were able to initiate communications, but encountered difficulties and the communications did not complete. This problem can occur during a backup or a restore.
Status Code 27
child process killed by signal
A child of the process that reported this error was terminated. This error may occur if the backup job was terminated or another error terminated the child process. This problem may also occur if a NetBackup process was terminated through Task Manager or another utility.
Status Code 28
failed trying to fork a process
A fork of a child process failed (on UNIX) or a CreateProcess failed (on Windows). This failure may be due to the following:
* An overloaded system
* Insufficient swap space or physical memory
* Too many processes are running on the system
Status Code 29
failed trying to exec a command
A command was not run. This error can occur because the permissions of the command do not allow it to be run. Or it occurs due to a lack of system resources such as memory and swap space.
Status Code 30
could not get passwd information
Could not get the passwd entry for a user.
Status Code 31
could not set user id for process
Could not set the user ID of a process to the user ID of the requesting user. NetBackup runs client processes as the requesting user.
Status Code 32
could not set group id for process
Could not set the group ID of a process to the requesting user group. NetBackup runs client processes with the group ID of the requesting user.
Status Code 33
failed while trying to send mail
An email notification about backup, archive, or restore results has failed. The email was not sent to the administrator's address as specified by the email global attribute. With a UNIX client, the email was not sent to an email address specified with USEMAIL in the client's bp.conf file.
Status Code 34
failed waiting for child process
A NetBackup process encountered a failure while waiting for a child process to complete.
Status Code 35
cannot make required directory
Could not create a required directory. Possible causes are:
* A process does not have permission to create the directory
* The path to the directory is not valid
* An IO error occurs
* No space is available on the device that contains the directory
Status Code 36
failed trying to allocate memory
Allocation of system memory failed. This error occurs when an insufficient system memory is available. This cause of this error may be that the system is overloaded with too many processes and it does not enough physical and virtual memory.
Status Code 37
operation requested by an invalid server
An invalid media server or Windows NetBackup Remote Administration Console made a request to the NetBackup request daemon (bprd) or NetBackup database manager daemon (bpdbm). On Windows, these daemons are the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services.
Status Code 38
could not get group information
Could not get the group entry that describes a UNIX user group.
Status Code 39
client name mismatch
The client used a name in a request to the NetBackup server that did not match the configured name in the policy on the server.
Status Code 40
network connection broken
The connection between the client and the server was broken. This status code can also appear if the connection is broken between the master and the media server during a backup.
Status Code 41
network connection timed out
The server did not receive any information from the client for too long a period of time.
Status Code 42
network read failed
An attempt to read data from a socket failed.
Status Code 43
unexpected message received
The client and the server handshake was not correct.
Status Code 44
network write failed
An attempt to write data to a socket failed.
Status Code 45
request attempted on a non reserved port
An attempt was made to access a client from a non-reserved port.
Status Code 46
server not allowed access
The server tries to access a client, but access is blocked. Possible causes are as follows:
* The server is not listed on the client as a valid server.
* The client was configured to require encrypted backups, but the encryption attribute for the backup policy on the server was not selected.
* The evaluation license for the NetBackup Encryption product has expired on the server, but the NetBackup client was configured to require encrypted backups. As a result, the server attempts to make a non-encrypted backup of the client. Since the client is configured to require encryption, the backup failed.
Status Code 47
host is unreachable
An attempt to connect to another machine failed.
Status Code 48
client hostname could not be found
The system function gethostbyname() failed to find the client's host name.
Status Code 49
client did not start
The client failed to start up correctly.
Status Code 50
client process aborted
The client backup terminated abnormally. For example, this error occurs if a NetBackup master or media server is shut down or rebooted when a backup or restore is in progress.
Status Code 51
timed out waiting for database information
The catalog process did not respond within five minutes.
Status Code 52
timed out waiting for media manager to mount volume
The requested volume was not mounted before the timeout expired. This error can also occur if the volume is a cleaning tape but was not specified as a cleaning tape. Another possible cause: the last available drive has a mount request for a non-backup (such as a restore). Then a backup that requires the same drive is initiated before the mount completes. This error is due to the drive not being reported as busy until the mount completes.
Status Code 53
backup restore manager failed to read the file list
The backup and restore manager (bpbrm) did not read the list of files to back up or restore.
Status Code 54
timed out connecting to client
The server did not complete the connection to the client. The accept system or winsock call timed out after 60 seconds.
Status Code 55
permission denied by client during rcmd
The UNIX client does not have the server's name in its /.rhosts file.
Status Code 56
client's network is unreachable
An error reported that the client could not reach the host (WSAENETUNREACH on Windows or ENETUNREACH on UNIX) when the client performed a system call.
Status Code 57
client connection refused
The client refused a connection on the port number for bpcd. This error can occur because of the following:
* No process listening activity occurs on the bpcd port
* The number of connections to the bpcd port is more than the network subsystem can handle with the listen() call
Status Code 58
can't connect to client
The server was unable to connect to the client.
Status Code 59
access to the client was not allowed
The master or the media server tries to access the client, but the client does not recognize the server as a valid server.
Status Code 60
client cannot read the mount table
The backup process on the client did not read the list of mounted file systems.
Status Code 61
Status code not available.
Status Code 62
Status code not available.
Status Code 63
process was killed by a signal
A kill signal was sent to the client process.
Status Code 64
timed out waiting for the client backup to start
The client did not send a ready message to the server within the allotted time.
Status Code 65
client timed out waiting for the continue message from the media manager
The tape manager, bptm, reported that the media did not load and position within the allotted time.
Status Code 66
client backup failed to receive the CONTINUE BACKUP message
The client bpbkar process did not receive the message from the server that indicates that the server is ready to continue.
Status Code 67
client backup failed to read the file list
The client did not read the list of files to back up.
Status Code 68
client timed out waiting for the file list
The client did not receive the list of files to back up within the allotted time. This list comes from the server.
Status Code 69
invalid filelist specification
The file list from the server had invalid entries.
Status Code 70
an entry in the filelist expanded to too many characters
The wildcards, which were used in one of the file list entries, specified too many files.
Status Code 71
none of the files in the file list exist
The files in the file list did not match any of the files on the client. This error can occur with only one file in the file list and the file cannot be backed up due to an I/O error.
Status Code 72
the client type is incorrect in the configuration database
The policy type attribute in the policy configuration indicates that the client is one type, but the installed software is for another type.
Status Code 73
bpstart_notify failed
The bpstart_notify script returned a nonzero exit code.
Status Code 74
client timed out waiting for bpstart_notify to complete
The bpstart_notify script on the client takes too long.
Status Code 75
client timed out waiting for bpend_notify to complete
The bpend_notify script on the client takes too long.
Status Code 76
client timed out reading file
A fifo was specified in the file list and no data was produced on the fifo within the allotted time.
Status Code 77
execution of the specified system command returned a nonzero status
An immediate command returned a nonzero status.
Status Code 78
afs/dfs command failed
Indicates an AFS vos command failure.
Status Code 79
unsupported image format for the requested database query
Possible causes are that the images to be synthesized were generated as follows: using an ASCII catalog, for a pre-5.0 client, on a pre-5.0 master server. Or one or more of the images to be synthesized was encrypted. These images cannot be synthesized.
Status Code 80
Media Manager device daemon (ltid) is not active
If the server is UNIX, the NetBackup device manager daemon, ltid, is not running. If the server is Windows, the NetBackup Device Manager service is not running.
Status Code 81
Media Manager volume daemon (vmd) is not active
The tape manager (bptm) did not communicate with the NetBackup Volume Manager (vmd). This communication is required for most operations.
Status Code 82
media manager killed by signal
Another process or a user terminated the tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm).
Status Code 83
media open error
The tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) did not open the device or file that the backup or restore must use.
Status Code 84
media write error
The system's device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup wrote to removable media or a disk file.
Status Code 85
media read error
The system device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup reads from tape, optical disk, or a disk file.
Status Code 86
media position error
The system's device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup was positioning media (tape or optical disk).
Status Code 87
media close error
The system's device driver returned an I/O error while NetBackup closed a tape or optical disk.
Status Code 88
Status code not available.
Status Code 89
problems encountered during setup of shared memory
The NetBackup processes use shared memory for some operations. This status is returned when an error is encountered in the initialization of the shared memory by the operating system's APIs.
Status Code 90
media manager received no data for backup image
The tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) received no data when it performed a backup, archive, or duplication. This error can occur for incremental backups where no data was backed up because no files have changed.
Status Code 91
fatal NB media database error
The tape manager (bptm) received an error while it read or updated its media catalog.
Status Code 92
media manager detected image that was not in tar format
When you performed a restore, the tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) did not find a tar header at the offset it expected.
Status Code 93
media manager found wrong tape in drive
When you load a volume for a backup or restore, the tape manager (bptm) found a volume that loaded without the expected tape header. This error may mean that volumes in a robot are not in the slots that are indicated in the Media and Device Management volume configuration.
Status Code 94
cannot position to correct image
The tape manager (bptm) searched for a backup image to restore but did not find the correct backup ID at the expected position on the volume. This error can indicate a drive hardware problem.
Status Code 95
media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM database
An operation was requested on a media ID for which NetBackup does not have a record assigned to the requesting server. An example of this is using bpmedia to suspend or freeze a media ID that does not exist or is not assigned to the requesting server.
Status Code 96
unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available
The tape manager (bptm) did not allocate a new volume for backups. This error indicates that the storage unit has no more volumes available in the volume pool for this backup. Note that NetBackup does not change storage units during the backup.
Status Code 97
requested media id is in use, cannot process request
An operation was requested on a media ID that is in use. An example of this operation is the attempt to suspend or freeze a volume while it is in use for a backup or restore.
Status Code 98
error requesting media (tpreq)
The tape manager and optical manager (bptm) received an error when they requested a media mount from the following: the NetBackup Device Manager service (on Windows) or the Media Manager device daemon (ltid) (on UNIX).
Status Code 99
NDMP backup failure
The paths in your NDMP policy file list did not back up successfully.
Status Code 100
system error occurred while processing user command
A system call failure in bparchive, bpbackup, bplist, or bprestore.
Status Code 101
failed opening mail pipe
The process that attempts to send mail did not open the pipe to the server.
Status Code 102
failed closing mail pipe
The process that sends mail could not close the pipe to the server.
Status Code 103
error occurred during initialization, check configuration file
Status Code 104
invalid file pathname
Status Code 105
file pathname exceeds the maximum length allowed
The path name (built by using the current working directory) exceeds the maximum path length that the system allows.
Status Code 106
invalid file pathname found, cannot process request
One of the file paths to be backed up or archived is not valid.
Status Code 107
Status code not available.
Status Code 108
Status code not available.
Status Code 109
invalid date specified
This error can occur when you run a command on the command line that contains a date option. The format of a date option can vary depending on the locale of the master server.
Status Code 110
Cannot find the NetBackup configuration information
On Windows, NetBackup did not read the registry entries that were created during installation. On UNIX, the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file does not exist.
Status Code 111
No entry was found in the server list
On UNIX, the SERVER = server_name line is omitted from the bp.conf file. On Windows, the server list contains no entries.
Status Code 112
no files specified in the file list
A restore was requested with no files in the file list.
Status Code 113
Status code not available.
Status Code 114
unimplemented error code
This error should not occur. If nbjm received a negative error number, status 114 is issued.
Status Code 115
Status code not available.
Status Code 116
VxSS authentication failed
On either end of a socket connection, the parties did not mutually authenticate each other.
Status Code 117
VxSS access denied
The user identity that was used to attempt an operation does not have the permissions that are needed to perform the action.
Status Code 118
VxSS authorization failed
NetBackup was unable to complete the authorization check against the Authorization service.
Status Code 119
Status code not available.
Status Code 120
cannot find configuration database record for requested NB database backup
The program that backs up the NetBackup internal catalogs did not find the attributes that indicate which media IDs to use or paths to back up. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Status Code 121
no media is defined for the requested NB database backup
When NetBackup attempted to back up its internal catalogs, no media IDs were defined in the catalog backup configuration.
Status Code 122
specified device path does not exist
The NetBackup internal catalogs were backed up in the following manner: by using the bpbackupdb command line and by specifying a device path (on Windows) or a raw device file (on UNIX) that does not exist.
Status Code 123
specified disk path is not a directory
When NetBackup attempted to back up its internal catalogs, the backup attributes were set to dump to a disk. However, the disk file path already exists and is not a directory.
Status Code 124
NB database backup failed, a path was not found or is inaccessible
One or more of the specified paths in the catalog backup configuration were not backed up.
Status Code 125
a NetBackup catalog backup is in progress
Only one NetBackup catalog backup can be active at any given time. Certain operations are not allowed during an online catalog backup. (These include catalog archiving, catalog compression, and expiration of the last copy of an image.)
Status Code 126
NB database backup header is too large, too many paths specified
Too many paths were specified in the NetBackup catalog backup configuration to fit in a fixed-size media header. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Status Code 127
specified media or path does not contain a valid NB database backup header
The bprecover command was issued and the media ID specified does not have valid catalog backup data.
Status Code 128
NB database recovery failed, a process has encountered an exceptional condition
In the catalogs that were specified for recovery, one or more cannot be restored. For more detail, refer to the error message that precedes this status code in the output from the bprecover command.
Status Code 129
Disk storage unit is full
As NetBackup writes to the file system for the disk storage unit, runs out of space. Until more file system space is available, images of similar size or larger may fail with this error when written to this disk storage unit.In a scheduled backup job that writes to a storage unit group (which contains this disk storage unit), the following occurs: the NetBackup scheduler requests the storage unit with the greatest available capacity when the job is retried.For the retry, when the scheduler requests the storage unit with the greatest available capacity, note the following:
* A tape storage unit in the storage unit group has preference over any disk storage units since tape storage units usually have more capacity.
* If the storage unit with the most unused capacity is busy, NetBackup skips it. NetBackup then selects an available storage unit with the next largest, unused capacity.
* If the storage unit with the greatest unused capacity is the one that lacked capacity when the job first failed, the scheduler tries it again. That storage unit may have more unused capacity now than it did when the job failed.
Status Code 130
system error occurred
An error occurred that prevents the product from operating in a consistent fashion. This error is usually related to a system call.
Status Code 131
client is not validated to use the server
The client name, as determined from the connection to the server, did not match any client name in the NetBackup configuration. No altnames configuration for this client exists on the master server. A client and server with multiple network connections can encounter this problem in the following situation: the name by which the client is configured is not the one by which its routing tables direct connections to the server.
Status Code 132
user is not validated to use the server from this client
Status Code 133
invalid request
One of two explanations exist.
* A request was made that is not recognized. This usually results from different versions of NetBackup software being used together.
* If a client receives this error in response to a list or restore request, then the DISALLOW_CLIENT_LIST_RESTORE or DISALLOW_CLIENT_RESTORE. option exists in the bp.conf file on the following: a UNIX NetBackup server or in the registry on a Windows NetBackup server. These options deny list and restore requests from all NetBackup clients.
Status Code 134
unable to process request because the server resources are busy
Status code 134 is an informational message that indicates that all drives in the storage unit are currently in use. If all drives are in use, NetBackup automatically tries another storage unit. If one is not available, NetBackup re-queues the job with a status of 134 and retries it later.
Status Code 135
client is not validated to perform the requested operation
An alternate client restore was attempted that did not come from the root user (on UNIX) or the administrator (on Windows).
Status Code 136
tir info was pruned from the image file
The TIR information was pruned from one or more of the component (differential or cumulative) backup images being synthesized. This situation arises when the following occurs:
* The most recent backup image for the client is a synthetic full or cumulative backup
* The TIR information from one or more of the component images before the synthetic full (or cumulative) backup is prunedThe TIR information is automatically restored to the image catalog if you do the following: expire the synthetic backup (full or cumulative) image and try to rerun the synthetic backup job for the client. However, the synthetic backup job fails with this error if the TIR restore fails due to bad, missing, or vaulted media or a bad drive.
Status Code 137
Status code not available.
Status Code 138
Status code not available.
Status Code 139
Status code not available.
Status Code 140
user id was not superuser
A user or process that did not have root privileges (on UNIX) or administrator privileges (on Windows) started the process.
Status Code 141
file path specified is not absolute
The file specification must be an absolute path.
Status Code 142
file does not exist
To back up a VxFS file system with Snapshot Client, the VxFS file system on the client must be patched with correct, dynamically linked libraries. If the correct VxFS libraries are not installed, the backup fails with status 142.
* For most snapshot backups, the following message appears in the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpfis log on the client:
09:36:48.299 [527] <32> fs_dev_rt_check: FTL - snapshot method: nbu_snap abort - required VxFS dynamic linked libraries for NetBackup are not installed. Please visit the Veritas support web site, and refer to Technote number 262225 for further information.
* For the backups that run from a FlashBackup policy, the following appears in the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpbkar log on the client:
10:09:56.566 [1146] <32> bpfsmap: FTL - bpfsmap: FlashBackup abort - required VxFS dynamic linked libraries for NetBackup are not installed. Please visit the Veritas support web site, and refer to Technote number 262225 for further information.
10:09:56.571 [1146] <16> bpbkar Exit: ERR - bpbkar FATAL exit status = 142: file does not exist
10:09:56.573 [1146] <4> bpbkar Exit: INF - EXIT STATUS 142: file does not exist
Status Code 143
invalid command protocol
A poorly formed request was made to the NetBackup request daemon (UNIX) or to the Request Manager service (Windows). This error can be due to the following: mismatched versions of the product, corrupted network communication, or to a non-NetBackup process sending data across the port for the daemon or service.
Status Code 144
invalid command usage
This status code is due to a NetBackup process being started with improper options or an incompatibility in the product.
Status Code 145
daemon is already running
Another copy of the process is running.
Status Code 146
cannot get a bound socket
The service or daemon did not bind to its socket. A system call fails when the daemon (UNIX) or service (Windows) attempts to bind to its configured port number. This error is usually caused when another process acquired the port before the daemon or service started.
Status Code 147
required or specified copy was not found
The requested copy number of a backup or an archive image cannot be found.
Status Code 148
daemon fork failed
A NetBackup service did not create a child process due to an error that was received from the system. This error is probably an intermittent error that is based on the availability of resources on the system.
Status Code 149
master server request failed
Status Code 150
termination requested by administrator
The process terminates (or has terminated) as a direct result of a request from an authorized user or process.
Status Code 151
Backup Exec operation failed
The Global Data Manager console reported that a Backup Exec job (backup, archive, or restore) did not complete normally.
Status Code 152
required value not set
An incomplete request was made to the bpdbm process (on UNIX), or the NetBackup Database Manager service (on Windows). This error usually occurs because different versions of software are used together.
Status Code 153
server is not the master server
This status code is reserved for future use.
Status Code 154
storage unit characteristics mismatched to request
A backup was attempted and the storage unit selected for use had the characteristics that were not compatible with the backup type.
Status Code 155
disk is full
The write to the catalog file failed because the disk that contains the catalog database is full.
Status Code 156
snapshot error encountered
This status code indicates a snapshot-backup related error regarding Windows Open File Backup or Snapshot Client.
Status Code 157
suspend requested by administrator
Status code 157 is an informational message, which indicates that the administrator suspended the job from the Activity Monitor. The job is in the suspended state in the Activity Monitor. It can be resumed from the last checkpoint by the administrator.
Status Code 158
failed accessing daemon lock file
The process cannot lock its lock file because an error was received from a system call. This lock file synchronizes process activities (for example, it prevents more than one daemon from running at a time).
Status Code 159
licensed use has been exceeded
A configuration limit was exceeded. For example, a job fails with this error code if a policy is set up that specifies the following:
* A storage unit that is on a SAN media server
* A client that is not the SAN media server itselfSAN media servers can only back up themselves.This status code is used when the creation of a storage unit on a SAN media server fails because "On demand only" is not selected. "On demand only" is required for storage units on a SAN media server.
Status Code 160
authentication failed
NetBackup encounters a problem when two systems attempt to authenticate one another.
Status Code 161
Evaluation software has expired. See for ordering information
The time that was allowed for the NetBackup evaluation software ended.
Status Code 162
incorrect server platform for license
The platform identifier in the license key does not match the platform type on which the key was installed.
Status Code 163
media block size changed prior resume
Status code 163 is an informational message. It indicates that the media block size was changed before a backup job from the last checkpoint resumed. Since the media block size must be consistent, the job was restarted from the beginning.
Status Code 164
unable to mount media because it is in a DOWN, or otherwise not available
A restore was attempted and the volume required for the restore was in a DOWN drive in a robot. Or, the slot is empty that should contain the volume.
Status Code 165
NB image database contains no image fragments for requested backup id/copy number
A restore was attempted and NetBackup has no record of the fragments that are associated with the backup ID that has the files.
Status Code 166
backups are not allowed to span media
An end of media (EOM) was encountered while the backup image was written. The backup was terminated because the NetBackup DISALLOW_BACKUPS_SPANNING_MEDIA option was present in bp.conf (on UNIX) or in the registry (on Windows). The backup is retried automatically with a different volume if the backup tries attribute allows it in the NetBackup global attribute configuration.
Status Code 167
cannot find requested volume pool in EMM database
A backup to a nonrobotic drive was attempted and the tape manager (bptm) cannot find or add the specified volume pool.
Status Code 168
cannot overwrite media, data on it is protected
A catalog backup was attempted to a volume that cannot be overwritten because it contains data that by default NetBackup does not overwrite. (This data includes items such as tar, cpio, and ANSI.)
Status Code 169
media id is either expired or will exceed maximum mounts
A backup or a catalog backup was attempted and the volume selected for use has reached its maximum number of mounts. The maximum number is specified in the Media and Device Management volume configuration. For a regular backup, the volume is automatically set to the SUSPENDED state and not used for further backups. For a NetBackup catalog backup, the operation terminates abnormally.
Status Code 170
third party copy backup failure
Usually indicates a problem with the 3pc. file or the mover.conf file. (For detailed causes, see recommended actions.) For more information on these files, refer to the NetBackup Snapshot Client Configuration online document. For help accessing this document, see "Snapshot Client Assistance" in the NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator's Guide.
Status Code 171
media id must be 6 or less characters
operation, such as using bpmedia to suspend or freeze a media ID, was attempted and the media ID specified was longer than six alpha-numeric characters
Status Code 172
cannot read media header, may not be NetBackup media or is corrupted
When you loaded a volume for a backup or restore, the tape manager (bptm), did not find the expected tape header. This error can mean that a robotic device volume is not in the slot number that is in the Media and Device Management volume configuration. It also can mean that a read error (I/O error) occurred.
Status Code 173
cannot read backup header, media may be corrupted
When the tape manager (bptm) searches for a backup image to restore, the following occurs: it cannot find the correct backup ID at the position on the media where NetBackup expected it. This status code can indicate a drive hardware problem.
Status Code 174
media manager - system error occurred
An abnormal condition caused a tape manager (bptm) or disk manager (bpdm) failure.
Status Code 175
not all requested files were restored
When the bptm or the bpdm process restores files from an image, it detected a fatal error condition and terminated the restore before it completed. Under normal circumstances, this error should not occur.
Status Code 176
cannot perform specified media import operation
The tape manager (bptm) detected an error condition when it attempted to import a specific backup image. Possible reasons for this error are as follows:
* Media ID is already active in the NetBackup media catalog on this server
* Media ID is not in the volume configuration
* Fatal tape manager (bptm) error occurred
* Total image was not obtained from Phase 1 of import
Status Code 177
could not deassign media due to Media Manager error
The tape manager (bptm) cannot successfully unassign a media ID.
Status Code 178
media id is not in NetBackup volume pool
NetBackup attempted a backup of its catalogs and the media ID that was specified for the catalog backup was not in the NetBackup volume pool. Volumes for catalog backups must be in the NetBackup volume pool.
Status Code 179
density is incorrect for the media id
An operation such as "list contents" was attempted on an invalid media ID, such as a cleaning tape. Another possibility: a media ID in the NetBackup catalog backup configuration does not match the media type that was entered in the volume configuration.
Status Code 180
tar was successful
tar returned a successful exit status.
Status Code 181
tar received an invalid argument
One of the parameters that was passed to tar was not valid.
Status Code 182
tar received an invalid file name
tar cannot write to the file that is specified with the -f parameter.
Status Code 183
tar received an invalid archive
The data that was passed to tar was corrupt.
Status Code 184
tar had an unexpected error
A system error that occurred in tar.
Status Code 185
tar did not find all the files to be restored
The tar file list contained files that were not in the image.
Status Code 186
tar received no data
NetBackup did not send data to tar.
Status Code 187
Status code not available.
Status Code 188
Status code not available.
Status Code 189
the server is not allowed to write to the client's filesystems
The client does not allow writes from the server.
Status Code 190
found no images or media matching the selection criteria
A verify, duplicate, or import was attempted and no images that matched the search criteria were found in the NetBackup catalog.
Status Code 191
no images were successfully processed
A verify, duplicate, or import was attempted and failed for all selected images.
Status Code 192
VxSS authentication is required but not available
On one side of a NetBackup network connection, the system requires VxSS authentication. On the other side of the connection, the other system is not configured to use VxSS. VxSS authentication is used with the NetBackup Access Control feature (NBAC). The connection was terminated because VxSS authentication cannot be completed.
Status Code 193
VxSS authentication is requested but not allowed
On one side of a NetBackup network connection, the system requires VxSS authentication. The system on the other side of the connection is not configured to use VxSS. VxSS authentication is used with the NetBackup Access Control feature (NBAC). The connection has been terminated because VxSS authentication cannot be completed.
Status Code 194
the maximum number of jobs per client is set to 0
The NetBackup Maximum jobs per client global attribute is currently set to 0. Setting the value to 0 disables backups and archives.
Status Code 195
client backup was not attempted
A backup job was in the NetBackup scheduler's worklist but was not attempted.
Status Code 196
client backup was not attempted because backup window closed
A backup or an archive operation that the backup scheduler queued was not attempted because the backup window was no longer open.
Status Code 197
the specified schedule does not exist in the specified policy
A user backup or archive request specified the exact policy and schedule to use when a backup is performed. The policy exists but does not contain the schedule.
* On Microsoft Windows and NetWare nontarget clients, you can specify a policy or schedule on the Backups tab in the NetBackup Client Properties dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the client and select NetBackup Client Properties on the File menu.
* On UNIX and Macintosh clients, you can specify a policy or schedule by using the bp.conf options, BPBACKUP_POLICY or BPBACKUP_SCHED.
* On NetWare target clients, you can specify a policy or schedule in the bp.ini file.
Status Code 198
no active policies contain schedules of the requested type for this client
A user backup or archive was requested, and this client is not in a policy that has a user backup or archive schedule.
Status Code 199
operation not allowed during this time period
A user backup or archive was requested and this client is not in a policy that has the following: a user backup or archive schedule with an open backup window. This error implies that an appropriate policy and schedule combination exists for this client.
Status Code 200
scheduler found no backups due to run
When the NetBackup scheduler process (nbpem) checked the policy and the schedule configuration, it did not find any clients to back up. This error may be due to the following:
* No backup time windows are open (applies only to full and to incremental schedules).
* Policies are set to inactive.
* The clients were recently backed up and are not due for another backup (based on Frequency setting for the schedules).
* Policies do not have any clients.
Status Code 201
handshaking failed with server backup restore manager
A process on the master server encountered an error when it communicated with the media host (can be either the master or a media server). This error means that the master and the media server processes were able to initiate communication, but were not able to complete them. This problem can occur during a backup, restore, or media list in a single or a multiple server configuration.
Status Code 202
timed out connecting to server backup restore manager
A master server process that tried to initiate communications with the media host timed out (can be either the master or a media server). This problem can occur during a backup or restore in either a single or a multiple server configuration.
Status Code 203
server backup restore manager's network is unreachable
A process on the master server cannot connect to a particular host on the network when it tries to initiate communication with the media host. This problem can occur during a backup or restore in either a single or a multiple server configuration.
Status Code 204
connection refused by server backup restore manager
The media host refused a connection on the port number for bpcd. This error can be encountered during a backup or restore.
Status Code 205
cannot connect to server backup restore manager
A process on the master server cannot connect to a process on a host on the network. This error occurs when the process tries to initiate communication with the server that has the storage unit. This problem can occur during a backup or restore in either a single or a multiple server configuration.
Status Code 206
access to server backup restore manager denied
The master server tries to start a process on another server (or itself) but does not appear in the NetBackup server list on that server. On a UNIX server, the master is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. On a Windows server, the master is designated on the Servers tab in the Master Server Properties dialog box.To access this dialog box, see "Using the Host Properties window" in the Troubleshooting Guide.
Status Code 207
error obtaining date of last backup for client
When nbpem tries to obtain the date of the last backup for a particular client, policy, and schedule combination, an error occurs.
Status Code 208
Status code not available.
Status Code 209
error creating or getting message queue
When a NetBackup process attempts to create an internal message queue construct for inter-process communication, an error occurs. This error indicates a problem on the master server. On UNIX systems, this error may be due to a lack of system resources for System V inter-process communication.
Status Code 210
error receiving information on message queue
When a NetBackup process attempts to receive a message from a NetBackup daemon using bprd on an internal message queue construct, an error occurs. This error indicates a problem on the master server. On UNIX systems, this error may be due to a lack of system resources for System V inter-process communication.
Status Code 211
Status code not available.
Status Code 212
error sending information on message queue
When a NetBackup process attempts to attach to an already existing internal message queue construct for inter-process communication, an error occurs. This error indicates a problem on the master server. On UNIX systems, this error may be due to a lack of system resources for System V inter-process communication.
Status Code 213
no storage units available for use
The NetBackup resource broker (nbrb) did not find any storage units available for use. Either all storage units are unavailable or all storage units are configured for On demand only. In addition, the policy and schedule does not require a specific storage unit.
Status Code 214
Status code not available.
Status Code 215
failed reading global config database information
During the periodic checking of the NetBackup configuration, nbproxy was unable to read the global configuration parameters.
Status Code 216
failed reading retention database information
During its periodic checking of the NetBackup configuration, nbpem did not read the list of retention levels and values.
Status Code 217
failed reading storage unit database information
During its periodic checking of the NetBackup configuration, nbpem did not read the storage unit configuration.
Status Code 218
failed reading policy database information
During the periodic checking of the NetBackup configuration, nbpem did not read the backup policy configuration.
Status Code 219
the required storage unit is unavailable
The policy or schedule for the backup requires a specific storage unit, which is currently unavailable. This error also occurs for other attempts to use the storage unit within the current backup session.
Status Code 220
database system error
The bpdbm process (UNIX), or the NetBackup Database Manager service (Windows) did not create a directory path for its configuration catalogs. This error is due to a system call failure, which is usually due to a permission problem or an "out of space" condition.
Status Code 221
This status code is used to coordinate communication between various NetBackup processes and normally does not occur. If the logs show that it is associated with a subsequent error, it usually indicates a communication problem. In this case, concentrate your troubleshooting efforts on the subsequent error.
Status Code 222
This status code is used to coordinate communication between various NetBackup processes and is normally not seen. If the error logs show that it is associated with a subsequent error, it usually indicates a communication problem. In this case, concentrate your troubleshooting efforts on the subsequent error.
Status Code 223
an invalid entry was encountered
A request to the bpdbm process (on UNIX) or the NetBackup Database Manager service (on Windows) had invalid information or some information that conflicted. This error is usually a result of the use of software from different versions. Another cause can be incorrect parameters on a command.
Status Code 224
there was a conflicting specification
A request to the bpdbm process (on UNIX) or the NetBackup Database Manager service (on Windows) had some information that conflicted. This error is usually a result of the use of software from different version levels together.
Status Code 225
text exceeded allowed length
Text in a request exceeds a buffer size. The request was made to the bpdbm process (on UNIX) or the NetBackup Database Manager service (on Windows). This error is usually a result of the use of software from different version levels.
Status Code 226
the entity already exists
The configuration already has an entity with the same name or definition. For example: this status appears if you add a new policy when an existing policy has the same name or definition such as attributes or clients.
Status Code 227
no entity was found
The item requested was not in the catalog. For example, the entity can be a file or it can be policy information.
Status Code 228
unable to process request
An inconsistency exists in the catalog or a request was made that would be improper to satisfy.
Status Code 229
events out of sequence - image inconsistency
A request was made that would cause the image catalog to become inconsistent if satisfied
Status Code 230
the specified policy does not exist in the configuration database
The specified policy name does not exist.
Status Code 231
schedule windows overlap
The specified start and the duration times for one day of the schedule overlap with another day of the schedule.
Status Code 232
a protocol error has occurred
This error is an intermediate status code that usually precedes another status code. It indicates the following: either the bpdbm process (on UNIX) or the NetBackup Database Manager service (on Windows) or the process that communicates with it has received unexpected information.
Status Code 233
premature eof encountered
This status code is an intermediate one that usually precedes another status code and is associated with a problem in network communication.
Status Code 234
communication interrupted
This status code is an intermediate one that usually precedes another status code and is associated with a problem in network communication. Either a server or a client process received an interrupt signal.
Status Code 235
inadequate buffer space
This code usually indicates a mismatch between server and client software versions.
Status Code 236
the specified client does not exist in an active policy within the configuration database
A client name was not specified or the specified client does not exist.
Status Code 237
the specified schedule does not exist in an active policy in the configuration database
The specified schedule does not exist in the NetBackup configuration.
Status Code 238
the database contains conflicting or erroneous entries
The catalog has an inconsistent or a corrupted entry.
Status Code 239
the specified client does not exist in the specified policy
The specified client is not a member of the specified policy.
Status Code 240
no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy
The appropriate schedule was not found in the specified policy. For example, a user backup specified a policy name but no user backup schedule exists in that policy.
Status Code 241
the specified schedule is the wrong type for this request
The specified schedule for an immediate manual backup is not for a full nor an incremental backup. It must be one of these.
Status Code 242
operation would cause an illegal duplication
If the request is processed, it causes a duplicate catalog entry. This error is usually due to a mistake in the specification of media IDs for NetBackup catalog backups.
Status Code 243
the client is not in the configuration
The specified client name was not in the catalog.
Status Code 244
Status code not available.
Status Code 245
the specified policy is not of the correct client type
A user backup specified a policy that is not the type that is required for the client.
Status Code 246
no active policies in the configuration database are of the correct client type
A user backup request was not satisfied because no active policies were the type that were required for the client.
Status Code 247
the specified policy is not active
Backups for the specified policy are disabled because the policy is inactive.
Status Code 248
there are no active policies in the configuration database
No active policy was found that would satisfy the request.
Status Code 249
the file list is incomplete
While the server waited for the client to finish sending the file list, it timed out or a sequencing problem occurred.
Status Code 250
the image was not created with TIR information
This error is internal and should not appear to customers.
Status Code 251
the tir information is zero length
For a true-image backup, the client sent no file information to the master server. NetBackup discovered this condition when it attempted to write the TIR information to media.
Status Code 252
An extended error status has been encountered, check detailed status
If a process was unable to report the extended error status as the final job status, the job exits with status 252. (The extended error status has a number greater than 255.)
Status Code 253
the catalog image .f file has been archived
The catalog image .f file was archived.
Status Code 254
server name not found in the NetBackup configuration
This error should not occur through normal use of NetBackup.
Status Code 255
Status code not available.
Status Code 256
logic error encountered
An internal Vault error occurred.
Status Code 257
failed to get job data
This error can indicate either of the following:
* Vault failed to get job data because of a broken connection with the job manager (nbjm).
* Vault received empty job data. This error occurs if a user-specified job ID on the vltrun -haltdups command is out of range (not among the job IDs created by job manager).
Status Code 258
Vault duplication was aborted by administrator request
The administrator initiated an abort request on the active vault duplication job.
Status Code 259
vault configuration file not found
This error should not occur.
Status Code 260
failed to send signal
vltrun failed to send a signal to the Vault duplication job.
Status Code 261
vault internal error 261
This error code should not occur.
Status Code 262
vault internal error 262
This error code should not occur.
Status Code 263
session id assignment failed
The unique identifier to be assigned to the Vault session is corrupt.
Status Code 264
Status code not available.
Status Code 265
session id file is empty or corrupt
The session ID that is stored in the following file is corrupt.
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/sessions/vault_name/session.last
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\vault\sessions\vault_name\session.last
Status Code 266
cannot find robot, vault, or profile in the vault configuration
NetBackup cannot find the specified profile name or triplet robot_name/vault_name/profile_name on the Vault command (vltrun, vlteject, vltoffsitemedia) or in vltopmenu in the Vault configuration.
Status Code 267
cannot find the local host name
A Vault job obtains the local host name through an OS call. This error occurs when the Vault job is unable to get the local host name.
Status Code 268
the vault session directory is either missing or inaccessible
This error occurs when a Vault job cannot access the following:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/sessions
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\vault\sessions
This directory is created when Vault is installed.
Status Code 269
no vault session id was found
This error is encountered when vltopmenu cannot find a sidxxx session id directory for the specified profile. Either no Vault jobs were run for this profile or the corresponding sidxxx session id directory (or directories) were removed from the following directory:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/sessions/vault_name
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\vault\sessions\vault_name
Status Code 270
unable to obtain process id, getpid failed
This error occurs when a Vault process is unable to obtain its process ID by means of the getpid() OS system call.
Status Code 271
vault XML version mismatch
The Vault upgrade process failed.
Status Code 272
execution of a vault notify script failed
This error occurs when the Vault process is unable to run a Vault notify script due to permissions problems or coding problems in the script. It also occurs if the script returns an error.
Status Code 273
invalid job id
This error can occur in either of the following situations:
* The specified job is not an active Vault job
* The specified active Vault job is not at the duplication step
Status Code 274
no profile was specified
This error should not occur.
Status Code 275
a session is already running for this vault
This error occurs when you start a session for a vault and another session is already running for this vault. Only one session is allowed for a vault at any given time.
Status Code 276
invalid session id
This error should not occur.
Status Code 277
unable to print reports
This error should not occur.
Status Code 278
unable to collect pre eject information from the API
This error occurs when robotic information cannot be retrieved before ejection.
Status Code 279
eject process is complete
This error occurs when the eject process is completed successfully.
Status Code 280
there are no volumes to eject
This error occurs when media to be ejected are not in the library.
Status Code 281
vault core error
An internal Vault error occurred.
Status Code 282
cannot connect to nbvault server
The vault job cannot connect to the NetBackup Vault Manager service (nbvault on UNIX, nbvault.exe on Windows). Possible causes are:
* The Symantec Private Branch Exchange service (VRTSpbx) or NetBackup Request Manager (bprd) is down.
* The NetBackup Vault Manager service is down, possibly because of the following: the Vault is not licensed, the vault.xml configuration file is corrupt, or the vault.xml configuration file upgrade failed during an upgrade installation.
Status Code 283
error(s) occurred during vault report generation
Vault encountered errors during the report generation phase.
Status Code 284
error(s) occurred during vault report distribution
Vault encountered errors during the report distribution phase. Potential reasons include the following:
* Reports were not emailed (possibly because of malformed email addresses in the vault.xml file).
* On Windows, the third party mail client (such as blat) is not configured properly.
* The reports destination directory is not present or it does not have appropriate permissions.
* The printer is not set up correctly or the printer command in vault.xml is incorrect.
Status Code 285
unable to locate vault directory
A Vault job or a command for a missing or a corrupt directory of the session in question returns this error.
Status Code 286
vault internal error
This error should never occur.
Status Code 287
vault eject failed
This error occurs when Vault fails to eject any of the media that was identified for eject during a Vault Session. Potential reasons: Media and Device Management services are down, the robot is down, or no empty slots are available in the media access port (MAP).
Status Code 288
vault eject partially succeeded
This error occurs when not all of the media that was identified for eject during a Vault session can be ejected. Potential reasons include the following:
* Some of the media is in use by NetBackup
* Some of the media are in a drive
* Not enough empty slots are available in the media access port (MAP)
Status Code 289
cannot consolidate reports of sessions from container and slot-based vaults
This error occurs when you consolidate reports and at least one session uses slots and another uses containers.
Status Code 290
one or more errors detected during eject processing
This error occurs when more than one error is encountered during an eject procedure by vltopmenu. Any "eject" errors that range from 291 to 300 may have occurred in any of the sessions being ejected.
Status Code 291
number of media has exceeded capacity of MAP; must perform manual eject using vltopmenu or vlteject
This error occurs in the following situation: a Vault job is run for a profile that selected automatic eject mode and the number of media to be ejected exceeds the MAP capacity.
Status Code 292
eject process failed to start
This error occurs when the following cannot start the eject process: the Vault job, the vlteject command, or the use of the vltopmenu.
Status Code 293
eject process has been aborted
This error occurs when the eject process is canceled. This error can be encountered during a Vault job or with the vlteject or the vltopmenu eject command.This error can occur because of one of the following conditions:
* Could not open a pipe to vmchange -verify_eject call.
* Unexpected output from vmchange -verify_eject call.
* No MAP elements exist to eject media into.
* The robotic library had problems putting media into the MAP.
* The user pressed Return in interactive mode and did not first remove the media from the MAP. In this case, the media that were in the MAP are put back into their original slots in the robotic library.
Status Code 294
vault catalog backup failed
During a Vault job, the catalog backup step failed.
Status Code 295
eject process could not obtain information about the robot
This error occurs when the eject process cannot collect information about the robotic library and its associated MAPs and volumes.
Status Code 296
process called but nothing to do
This error occurs in the following situations:
* vlteject is called with -eject but the system has no tapes to eject
* vlteject is called with -eject and the eject is already done
* vlteject is called with -report and the reports are already done
* vlteject is called with -eject and -report, and both the eject and the reports are done
Status Code 297
all volumes are not available to eject
This error occurs when an attempt is made to eject a non-existent or bad media ID during the eject phase of the following: a Vault session, a vlteject command, or a vltopmenu command.Possible reasons for this error are as follows:
* The bad media ID was added by means of the vlt_ejectlist_notify script.
* The bad media ID is already in the MAP or not in the robotic library.
* The bad media ID is in a robotic drive.
* The bad media ID is in transit in the robotic library.
Status Code 298
the library is not ready to eject volumes
This error occurs if the robotic library is not in a state to support ejecting media. Possible reasons for this error include the following:
* Currently, the library ejects media
* The library waits to eject media
* Currently, the library injects media
* The library waits to inject media
Status Code 299
there is no available MAP for ejecting
The robotic library you vault from does not have a MAP available for use and so media cannot be ejected.
Status Code 300
vmchange eject verify not responding
During the eject process, the vmchange command is called with a "-verify_eject" call until all of the volumes for the request are in the MAP. This command call failed. Or it did not return the proper information to the Vault eject process.
Status Code 301
vmchange api_eject command failed
During the eject process, the vmchange command is called with an "-api_eject" call to begin the process to eject media. This command call failed.
Status Code 302
error encountered attempting backup of catalog (multiple tape catalog backup)
This error occurs when the NetBackup command that was used for stage one of the two-stage catalog backup fails.
Status Code 303
error encountered executing Media Manager command
This error occurs when a Media and Device Management command fails during a Vault job.
Status Code 304
specified profile not found
This error occurs when the profile name that is specified on the Vault command is not defined in the Vault configuration.
Status Code 305
multiple profiles exist
This error may occur when duplicate profile names are defined in multiple Vault configurations and only the profile name is specified on the Vault command.
Status Code 306
vault duplication partially succeeded
This error occurs when all selected images are not duplicated successfully.
Status Code 307
eject process has already been run for the requested Vault session
This error occurs when vlteject is run to eject media for a session ID for which media has already been ejected.
Status Code 308
no images duplicated
This error occurs when Vault failed to duplicate any images.
Status Code 309
report requested without eject being run
This error occurs when a report is run that requires media to have been ejected first.
Status Code 310
Updating of Media Manager database failed
This error occurs when Vault physically ejects tapes but fails to update the EMM database to reflect the eject operation. A typical reason for this failure is that EMM detected a mismatch between the media type and its volume group.
Status Code 311
Iron Mountain Report is already created for this session
This error occurs when an Iron Mountain report has already been generated for the session.
Status Code 312
invalid container database entry
NetBackup Vault has found an invalid entry while reading the container database. Each container entry in the container database must follow the expected format. The container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 313
container does not exist in container database
The specified container does not have an entry in the container database. The container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 314
container database truncate operation failed
An error occurs while truncating the container database. This error may occur during the modification or deletion of an entry from the container database. The container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 315
failed appending to container database
This error can occur while appending a container record to the container database. This error may occur with the addition, modification, or deletion of an entry from the container database. The container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 316
container_id is not unique in container database
NetBackup Vault has found a previously-existing entry for this container ID in the container database while adding it to the container database. Each container record in the container database must have a unique container ID. Note that the container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 317
container database close operation failed
This error occurs while closing the container database. This error may occur during the reading, addition, modification, or deletion of an entry from the container database. Note that the container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 318
container database lock operation failed
This error occurs while locking the container database. This error may occur during the addition, modification, or deletion of an entry from the container database. Note that the container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 319
container database open operation failed
This error occurs while opening the container database. This error may occur during the reading, addition, modification, or deletion of an entry from the container database. Note that the container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 320
the specified container is not empty
This error occurs if you try to delete a container from the container database, but the container still holds media. You can only delete empty containers.
Status Code 321
container cannot hold any media from the specified robot
This error occurs while trying to place media from an unexpected EMM database host into a container. All the media that are placed in a container should belong to the same EMM database host. For example, you have media from a robot that belongs to one EMM database host. Then you try to put this media into a container that already holds media from the robots that belong to a different EMM database host.
Status Code 322
cannot find vault in vault configuration file
NetBackup Vault cannot find an entry for the specified Vault name into the Vault configuration file. Note that the Vault configuration file is located at
Status Code 323
cannot find robot in vault configuration file
NetBackup Vault cannot find an entry for the specified robot number in the Vault configuration file. Note that the Vault configuration file is located at
Status Code 324
invalid data found in retention map file for duplication
This error occurs when the retention mapping file (either generic or for a specific vault) contains invalid data. If the file contains too much or too little data or the user defines invalid retention levels in the file, this error occurs.The retention mapping file is used as follows: in a Vault session when a Vault profile duplication is configured with the Use mappings retention level configured for one of the copies for duplication. The product installs a mapping file template named retention_mappings in
Status Code 325
unable to find policy/schedule for image using retention mapping
This error occurs with duplication of the backup policy or the schedule of an image by Vault. The Use mappings option on the Duplication tab of the Profile dialog box is selected, but the policy or the schedule no longer exists.
Status Code 326
specified file contains no valid entry
The specified file contains no valid entries for media IDs or the alphanumeric equivalent of bar codes. As per the expected format, each line should contain only one string that represents either a media ID or the bar code numeric equivalent.
Status Code 327
no media ejected for the specified vault session
This error occurs while moving media ejected by the specified Vault session to a container. Either the specified Vault session has not ejected any media, or you specified an incorrect Vault name or session ID.
Status Code 328
invalid container id
This error occurs while adding a container record to the container database. The container ID is found invalid. Note that the container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 329
invalid recall status
This error occurs while adding a container record to the container database. The container recall status is found invalid. Note that the container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 330
invalid database host
This error occurs while adding a container record to the container database. The EMM database host name is found invalid. Note that the container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 331
invalid container description
This error occurs while adding a container record to the container database. The container description is found invalid. Note that the container database exists in file cntrDB, which is located at
Status Code 332
error getting information from EMM database
This error can occur while the backup process communicates with the EMM database to retrieve some information.
Status Code 333
error getting information from media manager command line
This error occurs when Vault cannot retrieve robot information such as map information, volume information, library status, and so on. It is an internal error.
Status Code 334
unable to receive response from robot; robot not ready
This error occurs when a problem exists with the robot.
Status Code 335
failure occurred while suspending media for eject
This error occurs when Vault cannot suspend the media. It is an internal error.
Status Code 336
failure occurred while updating session information
Vault cannot update the session files. It is an internal error.
Status Code 337
failure occurred while updating the eject.mstr file
Vault cannot update the eject list file. It is an internal error.
Status Code 338
vault eject timed out
This error occurs when a problem exists with the robot.
Status Code 339
vault configuration file format error
The Vault configuration file is malformed. Unless the file has been manually modified, this is an internal error. Note that the Vault configuration file is located at install_path/netbackup/db/vault/vault.xml.
Status Code 340
vault configuration tag not found
An optional attribute may be missing in the Vault configuration file. This internal error generally does not cause problems in Vault's functioning. Note that the Vault configuration file is located at install_path/netbackup/db/vault/vault.xml.
Status Code 341
vault configuration serialization failed
Vault failed to write out the Vault configuration file. It is an internal error. Note that the Vault configuration file is located at install_path/netbackup/db/vault/vault.xml.
Status Code 342
cannot modify - stale view
This error can occur if an administration interface (NetBackup Administration Console or Vault Administration menu user interface) tries to modify the following:
* A robot or vault or profile in between the read
* Operations of the same robot or vault
* Profile by another instance of an administration interface
Status Code 343
robot already exists
This error can occur during addition of a robot while a robot with the same name already exists.
Status Code 344
vault already exists
This error can occur during addition of a vault if a vault with the same name already exists in the same robot.
Status Code 345
profile already exists
This error can occur during addition of a profile if a profile with the same name already exists within the same vault.
Status Code 346
duplicate MAP
A duplicate MAP was added in the Vault configuration file. It is an internal error.
Status Code 347
vault configuration cache not initialized
This error should never occur.
Status Code 348
specified report does not exist
An invalid Vault report was requested for generation. It is an internal error.
Status Code 349
incorrect catalog backup policy
This error can occur when a Vault session tries to run a catalog backup. The specified policy for the catalog backup in the Vault profile is either blank or is not of type NBU-Catalog.
Status Code 350
incorrect vault catalog backup schedule
This error can occur when a Vault session tries to run a catalog backup. The specified Vault catalog backup schedule for catalog backup in the Vault profile is either blank or is not of type Vault Catalog Backup.
Status Code 351
all configured vault steps failed
This error occurs when multiple Vault steps are configured for a session and all of them fail.
Status Code 352
Status code not available.
Status Code 353
Status code not available.
Status Code 354
Status code not available.
Status Code 355
Status code not available.
Status Code 356
Status code not available.
Status Code 357
Status code not available.
Status Code 358
Status code not available.
Status Code 359
Status code not available.
Status Code 360
Status code not available.
Status Code 361
Status code not available.
Status Code 362
Status code not available.
Status Code 363
Status code not available.
Status Code 364
Status code not available.
Status Code 365
Status code not available.
Status Code 366
Status code not available.
Status Code 367
Status code not available.
Status Code 368
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Status Code 369
Status code not available.
Status Code 370
Status code not available.
Status Code 371
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Status Code 372
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Status Code 373
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Status Code 374
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Status Code 375
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Status Code 376
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Status Code 377
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Status Code 378
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Status Code 379
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Status Code 380
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Status Code 381
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Status Code 382
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Status Code 383
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Status Code 384
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Status Code 385
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Status Code 386
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Status Code 387
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Status Code 388
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Status Code 389
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Status Code 390
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Status Code 391
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Status Code 392
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Status Code 393
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Status Code 394
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Status Code 395
Status code not available.
Status Code 396
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Status Code 397
Status code not available.
Status Code 398
Status code not available.
Status Code 399
Status code not available.
Status Code 400
Server Group Type is Invalid
The creation of a server group fails because the server group type is invalid.
Status Code 401
Server Group Already Exists
The attempt to create a server group failed. The server group already exists.
Status Code 402
Server Group Already Exists with a different type
The attempt to create a server group failed. The server group name is already in use by a server group with a different group type.
Status Code 403
Server Group Active State is not valid
The attempt to create a server group failed. The server group state was invalid.
Status Code 404
Server Group does not exist
An operation was attempted by using a server group that does not exist.
Status Code 405
Member's server type not compatible with Server Group
The attempt to add or update a server group failed. A member's server type was not valid for the specified server group type.
Status Code 406
The machine specified is not a member of the server group specified
A server that is not a member of the server group that owns the media performed an operation on a media.
Status Code 407
Member's NetBackup version not compatible with Server Group
The attempt to add or update a server group failed. One of the server group member's NetBackup version is not valid for the specified server group type.
Status Code 408
Server Group is in use
The attempt to delete a server group failed because the server group owns one or more media.
Status Code 409
Member already exists in server group
The attempt to add or update a server group failed because one of the server group members is the same as the one that is being added.
Status Code 410
Status code not available.
Status Code 411
Status code not available.
Status Code 412
Status code not available.
Status Code 413
Status code not available.
Status Code 414
Status code not available.
Status Code 415
Status code not available.
Status Code 416
Status code not available.
Status Code 417
Status code not available.
Status Code 418
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Status Code 419
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Status Code 420
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Status Code 421
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Status Code 422
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Status Code 423
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Status Code 425
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Status Code 427
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Status code not available.
Status Code 430
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Status code not available.
Status Code 432
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Status Code 433
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Status Code 434
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Status Code 435
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Status Code 439
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Status Code 477
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Status Code 478
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Status Code 481
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Status Code 489
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Status Code 490
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Status Code 491
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Status Code 492
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Status Code 493
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Status Code 494
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Status Code 495
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Status Code 496
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Status Code 497
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Status Code 498
Status code not available.
Status Code 499
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Status Code 500
Status code not available.
